Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Adam Khoo's Transformational Teaching Workshop 2008

Transformational Teaching: Bringing Out the Best in Yourself and Your Students
Transformational Teaching is designed to transform the way you teach and transform the students you are teaching. This dynamic and experiential workshop empowers teachers to bring out the best in themselves and their students. If you feel the need to re-ignite your passion for teaching and acquire the skills and strategies to inspire, motivate and tap your student's fullest potential, then this is the one program you must attend.

Part 1: Personal Mastery for Peak Performance 
Before you can bring out the best in your students, it is critical that you have the ability to constantly bring out the best in yourself and achieve peak performance. Using the methodologies of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and Personal Success Conditioning, you will learn how to constantly build within yourself the passion, motivation and dynamism to inspire and captivate your students every time. You will be amazed at how much control you actually have over your own thoughts, behaviors, emotions and results you produce. This program is focused on helping you re-program your beliefs, attitudes and behavioral patterns in order to achieve the results you want in your life! You will learn...

  • The Power of Beliefs on Performance and How to Adopt the Winning Mindset of Transformational Teachers 
  • How to Re-Ignite Your Passion and Drive 
  • How to Deal with Frustration, Stress and Setbacks 
  • How to Take Control Over Your Emotional States to Drive You Towards Excellence

Part 2: Brain-Based Teaching for Accelerated Learning
"There are no lousy students, only ineffective learning strategies". Our belief is that all students can learn effectively and produce great results. When students do not perform well, it is not because they lack the ability. Rather, they lack effective learning strategies. By using the methodologies of Whole Brain Learning/Teaching, Multiple Intelligences, VAK and Accelerated learning (as well as learning their practical and immediate application), teachers will learn how to engage students and make any subject matter fun and easy to learn. You will learn...

  • Unleash the Genius in Your Students 
  • Different Learning Styles and How to Teach with Impact 
  • How to Ignite Your Student's Passion and Interest for Learning 
  • How to Boost Memory and Retention for Facts and Figures 
  • How to Transform Massive Amounts of Complicated Subject Matter into Graphic Organizers that Makes Learning Fun and Easy 
  • How to Create Quantum Leaps in their Test and Exam Grades 
  • The Ten Step Success Formula of 'A' Students 
  • Increase Concentration, Focus and Participation in class 
  • Building an Optimal and Nurturing Environment for Learning 
  • How to Build a Fun, Competitive and Dynamic classroom

Part 3: Charisma and Communication Mastery
Possessing the best knowledge and teaching strategies is useless unless you have the ability to connect with, influence and communicate effectively to your students. Imagine being able to shift your student's negative attitudes into enthusiasm and confidence simply through the words you use. Imagine being able to motivate and inspire through your gestures and tonality. All successful teachers know that they must first touch their students' hearts, before they can educate their minds. You will learn to...

  • Understanding How Your Students Think and Enter their 'World' 
  • Inspire and Motivate Your Students with Your Words 
  • Build Strong Rapport Even with the Most Resistant Students 
  • How to Shift Student's Limiting Mindsets, Beliefs and Perceptions 
  • Increase Engagement and Participation 
  • Develop Dynamism and Charisma through Non-Verbal Communication 
  • How to Raise Your Student's Self-Esteem 
  • Eliminate Discipline and Attitude Problems Effectively 

Who Must Attend
This programme is designed for teachers, lecturers, trainers, private tutors, educators and even parents!

To join this workshop for the upcoming run (16-18 Jun 2008), download and fax the registration form back to us at 62742105. Act fast because places are limited! You can also email Leonard Goh via  for more information.

Thursday, April 3, 2008